Madda Fella

Madda Fella is Caribbean slang used to express surprise or astonishment. It's that moment when a trophy fish bites so hard that you fall out of the boat. It's that instant when your seaplane hits the water and you're suddenly floating on endless blue. Madda Fella is all about the unpredictable excitement of Key West adventure, and the namesake and inspriation of our brand.

Our Brand originated from the beautiful surroundings of Key West. We’ve played, lived and fished in the area on and off for the past decade...and have been impressed with the good nature of the people, the thriving art and creative communities, the water... and all that comes with the gorgeous, endless playground and the vibrant colors...particularly as the sun sets in the west.

When we are there, in the this gorgeous slice of the world, we change. Our focus is on living life...our life...not what someone else expects or wants us to be. That there is a moment when, deep in your soul you realize...I owe it to myself to do something remarkable with my make a difference.

That sentiment is reflected in the collections we’ve created. We start with building our color palettes and branch out from there. With swimwear that plays great on the sandbars of Key West or in your pool, with clothing that you can play in, slide into the evening in, dress it up a little or down into that comfortable shirt.